Syntropic projects around the world joining together in collaboration
In Syntropic farming we work with the concept of creating “nests” - small islands of fertility that join together to form a forest.
We are applying this idea to our network, with established projects collaborating to form an ecosystem of knowledge sharing, education and training.
The Nests of the Terra Network are international Syntropic farming sites where people can learn from experienced teachers, do practical training at trusted project and develop the necessary skills to work with complex agroforestry systems.
Nest Projects of the Terra Network
Felipe Amato´s Project
Just outside one of the largest city in the Americas, Felipe has successfully established a thriving agroforestry system, focused on cultivating coffee, bananas, various fruits, nuts, and turmeric, among other crops. (São Paulo, Brazil)
La Loma Viva
La Loma Viva is a non-profit Foundation and regenerative living project, specialising in Syntropic farming in a Mediterranean context and holistic ecological design (Granada, Spain)
Hof vErde
Creating a self-sufficient farm and living ecosystems in a temperate climate, they grow food, along with their vision of regenerative agriculture, providing a learning environment for others. (Kleinsendelbach, Germany)